Enjoy This Month’s Scoop And Learn About Exciting Events Happening Around Toronto’s Waterfront.
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In This Issue

To Go or Not to Go: That is the Question

Picture this – it’s Friday afternoon and a group of your colleagues are planning on going out for some extra curricular activities after work. You sit in your cubicle dreading the moment that one of them asks you to join. To go or not to go, that is now the predicament that you find yourself in.
For some, this may be a definitive yes or no answer.
On one hand, you laugh at the idea that it was ever a question whether you’ll be joining the festivities. On the other, you may have already established plans for your long-awaited Friday evening.
Camaraderie within a workforce is often a positive thing. No one expects their employees to become best friends, but, getting along with each other is something that can go a long way towards a high level of productivity during the work week. It’s not uncommon for management to organize company retreats or relaxed days of fun to generate higher employee morale.
That being said, this is not company organized event and you are not required to go. So, do you attend?
For some, this is a simple question: Yes, of course I’m going. But, for others this becomes a task of weighing multiple options.
Will there be alcohol involved? Do I have a family at home? Am I too tired after a long work week?
For those of you who have to write down the pros and cons on a neatly drawn out diagram, you’re not alone. According to a recent poll conducted by JobsCentral revealed that only three out of five workers would engage in recreational activities with their co-workers after work.
As indicated in the article, pros such as: building chemistry, breaking down barriers and raising your profile all seem to be the main reasons why colleagues like to spend time with one another after work.
While cons such as: intrusion into your personal world and the blurring of a professional and social life have hindered individuals from wanting to spend time with those who they share a work life with.
The key is to be open-minded about the opportunity. Individuals should never feel ostracized because they decide that they’d rather pass. In addition, those who are attending shouldn’t feel frustrated or offended when this happens either.
It’s important to remember that a mix of being social with clear cut boundaries is a recipe for success when socializing with your colleagues.
At the end of the day, it’s your choice and your choice alone.
Tyler Blackwell
Community Manager, The Rostie Group
416 214 1840
Getting to Know You
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever been?
Not the most exotic place I’ve been, but the most interesting to me is still the area in and around my hometown of Saint John New Brunswick.
If you had to eat one thing for every meal for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
Pizza from Pizza Time in Dartmouth NS
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Drive a real race car on a real race course in a real race!
What song would you sing on karaoke night?
The song I did sing on my one night at karaoke was Bad Bad Brain by the Ramones
If you could have dinner with any three people, past or present, who would they be?
My parents, Richard Feynman, Bill Watterson, Winston Churchill, Nick Saban (I ordered an extra large pizza from Pizza Time so there is plenty for a few extra people)
New Additions to our Floor
The Rostie Group would like to welcome our new team members to the floor.
Mike Dimmer
Mike has joined as a Marketing & Sales Coordinator; assisting with marketing activities and managing external lead generation.
Lorcan Kelleher
Lorcan is our new Account Manager; handling sales of office space and assisting with meeting room inquiries.

Harpreet Kaur Gill
Harpreet joins us as a Catering and Facilities Coordinator, making sure that all of our guests are taken care of, and our centre is clean and welcoming.
We look forward to what the future holds for Mike, Lorcan, and Harpreet with The Rostie Group!

Toronto is an amazing and vibrant city, with an endless amount of entertaining activities and events going on every week. The Waterfront, in particular, is an exciting area with things to do and places to explore around every corner. With summer almost here, we wanted to share some of our favourite places to visit on our lunch break or after work.

With the weather getting nicer and the sun finally starting to come out, we can’t wait to eat lunch outside. Tiki Taxi is a premier water taxi service offering affordable and convenient rides over to the Toronto Islands. Located at Spadina & Queens Quay, Tiki Taxi provides an easy and accessible way to travel over to the island.
Tiki Taxi accepts cash, credit and debit card payment options, making rides as convenient as possible.
Once you reach Toronto Island, have a picnic by the water or purchase a lunch at one of the many restaurants and shops on the island. The Centreville food court, Pizza Pizza, and Shopsy’s are great options for a quick meal to take along with you.
If you’re able to get away from the office for a bit longer, the Island Café is definitely worth the visit. A family-owned and operated restaurant, the Island Café provides delightful food and drinks at an extremely affordable price. All of their ingredients are local, using fruits and vegetables from the farmers’ market at the Ontario Food Terminal as well as growing their own herbs and greens. Once you’re done, head on back to the city using the Toronto Island Ferry, which runs every 15-30 minutes. After work and on the weekends make sure to check out the Toronto Island Marina Bar, and its Upper Deck. Toronto Island Marina Bar is a fun place with live music and great drinks.
If you’re looking to stay on the mainland, there are some restaurants by the waterfront with great patios. The Boxcar Social Café Bar is a great example. Located at 235 Queens Quay West, it was built in partnership with the Harbourfront Centre.

It has an inside capacity of over 200 people and a massive patio that seems to feed right into Lake Ontario. With high-quality coffee, a full food menu, and a craft cocktail menu, Boxcar Social is a great place to unwind and bask in the summer sun.
Similarly, The Slip, located at the Harbourfront Centre, is a beautiful and vast patio with a capacity of over 500 people. The Slip serves cold beers, wines, ciders, cocktails and BBQ inspired cuisine, making it a summer hotspot.
Last but certainly not least, the Amsterdam Brewery is an enormous space with limited edition beer brewed on-site. Located at 245 Queens Quay West, Amsterdam Brewery is 14,000 square foot with a restaurant and brewery located on the Toronto Harbourfront. Amsterdam has space for 1,000 guests, 4 patio spaces and landscape views of the Toronto Islands. Additionally, visitors can take a tour to learn how the brewery makes their beer or visit their beer retail store.
With all of these reasons and all these amazing places to visit, why would you NOT want to work on Toronto’s Waterfront?
You can follow along with us using #TOwaterfront and #bestplaceTOwork
Leaving a “Toxic” Relationship

The interview is going so well and then, the dreaded question……
”why are you looking at other opportunities”.?
Do you lie, come up with an excuse or tell the truth that you cannot stand to look at your manager for another second!
While I believe honesty is always the best policy, admitting you wish he’d “take a long walk off a short pier” is probably not the way to go!
Unfortunately, it happens. You end up working for someone you don’t like and they may not like you. You simply don’t click and that’s okay, and probably the reason you’re looking for a new job.
However, as they say, words matter.
Hopefully you can honestly say that you have been very fortunate to have worked for, and mentored by a number of amazing managers and that you are able to take something positive away from this experience – you learned
something, worked with an amazing team, or sold great product with a leading organization.
Whatever it is, keep it positive and professional and you’ll sail through that interview with flying colours!
by: Pam Inglis
Manager Recruiting/Senior Consultant
The Benefits of a Rostie Group Membership
The way we work is changing. The advent of the digital nomad and ever-growing globalization is sending the traditional office model the way of the dodo. What is, perhaps, even more important is the shifting attitudes surrounding work.
It’s no longer a matter of clocking in, working, and waiting until the end of the day. “Working for the weekend” is a concept of the increasingly distant past. Work Culture is changing. A thriving culture is the bridge between a good company and a great company.
Companies are growing beyond external marketing, realizing that internal marketing is of equal importance. A company’s culture defines its work community, The Rostie Group has been on the crest of the wave that is this on-going culture advancement for the past 25 years. With The Rostie Group Membership Plan we offer you the opportunity to join a thriving work community.
As a Rostie Group member, you get a complimentary day of co-working monthly, discounts on our first-class meeting rooms, access to our fully-stocked lounge, invitations to events held at our office, and the opportunity to advertise your business in our bi-monthly newsletter, The Scoop.
Becoming a Rostie Group member is about more than a desk. It’s about community and networking. It’s about joining a group of, ever-changing, diverse professionals, and the opportunity for creativity and ingenuity to foster in the melting pot that is the 11th floor at 20 Bay.
Each Rostie Group member is invited to attend all social gatherings and parties, including our holiday breakfasts, chili cook-offs, trivia days, thirsty thursdays, and many, MANY more events.

What’s Happening in Toronto this May and June
Fly Gta Airlines
F: @FlyGTA
T: @iflygta
I: @iflygta
Cucina Urbana
TIki Taxi
F: @TikiTaxiTO
I: @tikitaxi
The Goodman Pub and Kitchen
W: fabrestaurants.ca/restaurant/thegoodman/
P: 647-341-2337
Pie Bar Restaurant
W: fabrestaurants.ca/restaurant/pie-bar/
P: 647-341-7221
F: @piebarto
I: @piebarto
Redpath Waterfront Festival
T: @TOwaterfest
F: @cribcut
T: @cribcut
I: @cribcut
Y: @cribcut.com
Waterpark Athletics
E: waterparkathletics@oxfordproperties.com
P: 416-360-4047
Waterfront Awards
E: info@waterfront-magazine.com
Y: @Toronto Waterfront Magazine
One East Hair Salon
P: 647-348-6656
Concordia University – John Molson School of Business
P: 514-848-2424