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In this Issue

Canada’s Top 40 Under 40: John Molson alum makes the list
Finance Executive says Concordia contributed to his success

Daniel Schlaepfer, a graduate of JMSB’s MBA in Investment Management program, has been named to Canada’s Top 40 Under 40® list.
Schlaepfer was among the 40 individuals selected by an independent advisory board comprising 25 respected and experienced individuals from across Canada. The call for nominations was carried out from October 2018 to January 2019, and garnered 950 nominations from across the country.
The honourees were highlighted in the National Post, will be profiled in a feature article in the October edition of FP Magazine, and will also be featured on BNN Bloomberg in an interview series, Canada’s Next Leaders, throughout the summer.
Schlaepfer is president and CEO of Select Vantage Inc. and says that what we learned in the MBA in Investment Management program has contributed to his success.
“I’m in a field where, previously, there wasn’t a lot of academic credibility. Guys would rely purely on their instincts. Because of my education, the exchanges and banks took our firm more seriously. My MBA and CFA (chartered financial analyst) credentials gave me the skills to present what we do to the industry in a more data-oriented, professional way.”
Schlaepfer and the other recipients will receive their awards at the Top 40 Awards Night Gala at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on the night of November 6, 2019. Earlier this summer, Schlaepfer was named to Concordia’s 50 Under 50 Shaping Business list.
For any questions about the John Molson MBA in Investment Management in Toronto, please visit the website: concordia.ca/jmsb/programs/graduate/mba-cfa/goodman-advantage.html or contact: investment@concordia.ca
Getting to Know You
Chad Every
Account Manager, adm Promotions Canada
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever been?
I’m torn between New Orleans, Louisiana and St Augustine, Florida. There are few places in the states where you can go and not really feel like you’re “in the states”, and those are two of them. Sincere gems, and I would highly recommend taking a long weekend to both if one were to get the chance.
If you had to eat one thing for every meal for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
If I had to drink one thing forever, it would be tomato juice. So much salt. So tasty. If I could eat pho for every meal though, I would die a happy man.
What is something that you think everyone should do at least once in their live? Move to a city where you don’t know anyone! It is the absolute best way to figure out who you are and grow as a person. I moved to St Petersburg, Florida for 5 years from Ohio, not knowing a single person, and it was the best decision of my life. That, and fate / Tinder helped me meet my incredible wife while I was there (who happens to be Canadian, hence why I’m in Canada)!
What song would you sing on karaoke night?
Truthfully, I’ve never done karaoke. I’m terrified I would take it way too seriously and end up playing out decades of unresolved heartbreak a la The Beatles “In My Life”. That, or, I would rip it to Kendrick Lamar’s “Backseat Freestyle”.
If you could have dinner with any three people, past or present, who would they be?
President Obama, Stephen King, and Heath Ledger. I feel like those are three people I could toss a few IPA’s back and have some deep conversations with.
About adm
adm is one of the largest independent marketing services businesses in the world.
We are process experts who consult, reengineer and execute global supply chain solutions that deliver competitive advantage and cost optimisation.
We have an interconnected business consisting of over 400 people across 27 offices in 19 countries – allowing us to deliver local activation of global strategies for brands across the world.
In Canada, we work with a number of brands including Smirnoff, Guinness, Aperol, Stella Artois and Budweiser and continue to grow year on year.
Work + Work = No Life
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Truer words have never been spoken in 2019.
With the cost of living rising, and disposable income becoming sparser, expectations and responsibilities at work remain more important than ever. One must find a way to excel to ensure that not only do they perform at a high level, but more importantly, that they still have a job come Monday morning.
With the added pressure and importance of a secure position within their respective company, many people within the North American workforce find themselves devoting more and more time to their professional life and sacrificing time spent with family and friends.
As with any position in the world, the more effort and
time one puts in, comes a higher level of expectation from their employer.
Need to stay late to finish that report? Have to come in early because you were rained out the prior day? People now a days have succumbed to the mentality of “doing what you gotta do”.
I’m here today to tell you that this is a bad road to go down.
As they have indicated, such tips like “prioritizing your time” or “managing your mind” have been popular choices in helping people overcome the long hours of their
work week.
One particular tip that stood out to me was “Make your workspace work for you”.
This tip focuses on creating an atmosphere at your workspace that is conducive to you and your working style. Items such as a comfortable chair or an ergonomic keyboard will allow you to reduce your downtime and thus cut back hours from your work week.
This, along with the various other tips will help put you on the road to a healthier work-life balance.
At The Rostie Group, we know that long work weeks can be daunting. With that, we provide our clients customizable offices and workspaces so that each person can maximize the time at their desk.

Since 1994, The Rostie Group has prided itself on being at the front lines of cutting edge technology. In large parts this is due to our ambition of being the preferred destination for tech-savvy entrepreneurs across the world. We’re constantly striving to provide the newest high-end technology to our clients.
Having video only available in our largest meeting rooms was simply not acceptable.

We surveyed the landscape and after intensive research we put a heavy emphasis on broadening this digital communication to all of our meeting rooms, bringing the high quality visual and audio fidelity of a large room system, to our medium and small sized spaces.
But why would we invest so heavily in outfitting our smaller meeting rooms with video?

Video communications have evolved so much in the last few years. It’s not longer a shaking, lagging affair filled with hard-to-hear audio and pixeled images. Today’s video is crisp, smooth, and is accompanied with crystal clear sound.
When your conversation is audio only, you’re losing the big picture. So much information is conveyed via body language, and facial expressions, that not having it available is like losing one of your senses.
When negotiating a deal of any kind, you need to have the most information you can possibly get.
However, we took it one step further: We have outfitted our team rooms with full video capabilities, as well as large 4K enabled TVs, so you can literally get the big picture.
In today’s fast-paced and highly connected business world time is money. This is why we are always trying to ensure that our clients are able to make the best use of the time they have. Video, not only cuts costs as well as improves business efficiency. Booking time to bring your whole team out to a separate location, running around with equipment, and taking breaks can be a constant distraction and ultimately a waste of valuable time.

From wide room shots where everyone is included in a large boardroom style table, to intimate video huddle rooms, there is a solution for everyone.
When you become a tenant with The Rostie Group, you’ll have the option to complete your space with full video, and large 4K TVs, to ensure that none of the details slip by you when you’re trying to get the big picture.

Do you use GoToMeeting, Skype, Webex or Zoom? Not to worry, our new Polycom Studio Video Bars support all major platforms.
This is just another way that The Rostie Group continues working hard to ensure that our clients have the best possible experience in our rooms.
Own the Underdog

In 2004, Greece entered the European Cup, for the first time in 24 years, as 150-1 underdogs. Having never won a match at a major tournament in the nation’s history, they progressed through the group stages upsetting every team in their way. They then found themselves pitted against the host nation, Portugal, in the final. With seemingly every countries support, excluding Portugal of course, at their back, they went on to a historic victory, cementing their nation’s team as one of the greatest underdog stories in the history of sport.
So why, exactly, are we drawn to the underdog story?
We love seeing people, or teams, succeed against all odds. Perhaps, we hope the same will happen in our own lives or in some ways we indentify with the universal struggle that comes with striving for success.
The underdog story isn’t exclusive to sport. Over the past century, we’ve seen the story of the underdog transcend sport and hold prominence in the world of business.
I mean, who hasn’t heard the story about the garage in which Bill Gates, a young college drop-out, started Microsoft?
Now, more than ever, businesses are starting under increasingly unique circumstances. Whether
these ideas form out of happenstance or a burning desire in the heart of a young entrepreneur, the path towards success has no set course. We’ve seen companies grow in our centre, from their infancy, consisting of a handful of people, to a force of countless individuals working around the world.
Embrace the fact that you are an underdog, in many ways this can be a valuable asset in your eventual success.
“In truth, other people connect to people when they are open, honest and authentic. Being transparent about your status or vulnerabilities as a business can help consumers connect with you better.”– Bryan Kramer, CEO at PureMatter
People, for the most part, don’t want to see others fail. We are inherently pleased by the success of those around us, and if we
have the opportunity to be a part of it in any way, we’re inclined to join in for the ride.
At The Rostie Group, we’re dedicated to giving you that opportunity. It’s not so much that we want to be a part of your underdog story, it’s more so the fact that we genuinely love to see it.
We’ve established multiple avenues for success for people, and businesses, at varying stages of their journey. We offer the unique ability to scale within our centre. Feel free to check out all the packages we offer at our website! Our packages start small; a Rostie Group Membership nets you a full day of co-working per month, discounted meeting rooms, and invitations to all our on-site networking events. From there our offers build from Virtual Packages to offices on site that can hold anywhere from just 1 person to 20.
We look forward to serving you and your business in every step of the way.
by: Lorcan Kelleher – Rostie Group – LKelleher@rostiegroup.com

Sharon Joseph has joined our facilities team. She helps ensure that our centre is maintained to the highest standard, clean and welcoming for all of our guests.
The Rostie Group would like to welcome our new team members to the floor.
We look forward to what the future holds for Sharon and Charlie with The Rostie Group!

Charlie Anderson has joined us as a Data Engineer, helping us upgrade and extend our customer relationship management software and developing new features and products for our clients.
Using an External Recruiter for your next Hire
No matter how great the job, finding top-tier talent to fill your vacant position can be difficult; proving to be exhausting mentally, emotionally, and financially.
While companies regularly feel that they are better off conducting these searches on their own, utilizing an external recruiter can help you navigate a lot of these challenges and save your Human Resources team, or hiring manager, a huge headache.
External Recruiters can save your Human Resources department a lot of time, allowing them to focus on their other duties. HR departments can often get overrun with resumes, leaving them combing through applications for hours on end.
Using an external Recruiter ensures that the resumes your HR department does see are those of first-class candidates. Having Recruiters conduct these searches and preliminary interview helps you focus on the finer details.
Additionally, external Recruiters have their fingers on the pulse of the industry and marketplace… I mean, it’s their job. They have a multitude of contacts to work from and have an ever-growing knowledge of hiring trends in the industry. They know which companies are hiring, downsizing, or holding tight, they also know there the top talent is on the market.
Partnering with a recruitment firm will provide your company access to this information and expertise.
Often, there’s an attractive candidate you have in mind but can’t necessarily contact, and nobody likes a poacher. Utilizing an external Recruiter allows you to connect with individuals that you would otherwise not be able to due to contractual constraints or industry standards.
Whatever your challenge may be, Rostie & Associates can help you overcome it. With nearly thirty years of experience, Rostie & Associates are the perfect partners for your next opening.
For more information about the services offered at Rostie & Associates, feel free to visit our website www.rostie.com or call toll free at 1-800-647-0780. We look forward to finding you your next hire!

What’s Happening in Toronto this July and August
Waterpark Athletics
E: waterparkathletics@oxfordproperties.com
P: 416-360-4047
One East Hair Salon
P: 647-348-6656
Concordia University – John Molson School of Business
P: 514-848-2424
L: Concordia University – John Molson School of Business
SWAT Health
I: @swathealth